Scots eedit

Numeral eedit


  1. (cardinal) A numerical vailyie equal tae 6; the nummer occurrin efter five an afore seiven.

Aleut eedit

Noun eedit


  1. bird skin coat

Kurdish eedit

Adjective eedit

Sax (comparative {{{1}}}, superlative {{{2}}})

  1. alive
  2. hale

Lojban eedit

Rafsi eedit


  1. rafsi of sarxe.

Swadish eedit

Etymology eedit

Frae Auld Norse sǫx (plural o sax), frae Proto-Germanic *sahsą, frae Proto-Indo-European *sek-.

Pronunciation eedit

Noun eedit

Sax c

  1. a pair o scissor; shears
  2. short o saxofon

Declension eedit

Declension of Sax 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative Sax Saxen Saxar Saxarna
Genitive Sax Saxens Saxars Saxarnas

Relatit terms eedit

References eedit