Galician eedit

Etymology eedit

Laitin cattus

Pronunciation eedit

  • (standard) [ˈɡatʊ]
  • (dialectal) [ˈħatʊ]

Noun eedit

Gato m (plural Gatos)

  1. cat

Derived terms eedit

Ladino eedit

Etymology eedit

Frae Late Latin cattus, o Afro-Asiatic oreegin.

Noon eedit

Gato m (Laitin spellin, plural gatos)

  1. cat

Portuguese eedit


Etymology eedit

Frae Old Portuguese gato, frae Late Latin cattus, frae Laitin catta, frae Late Egyptian čaute, feminine o caus (jungle cat, African wildcat), frae earlier Egyptian tešau (female cat).

Pronunciation eedit

Noon eedit

Gato m (plural Gatos, feminine gata, feminine plural gatas)

  1. cat (domestic cat: Felis silvestris catus)
    • 2000, J. K. Rowling, Lya Wyler, Harry Potter e o Prisioneiro de Azkaban, Rocco, page 55:
      [...] o gato ronronava feliz nos braços de Hermione.
      [...] the cat was purring happily on Hermione's arms.
  2. feline
  3. (Brazil, slang) very eesome man
  4. (Brazil, slang) an illegal connection tae watch pey TV for free

Synonyms eedit

Adjective eedit

Gato m (feminine singular gata, masculine plural gatos, feminine plural gatas, comparable)

  1. (o a person) pheesically attractive

Inflection eedit

Forder readin eedit

  • Gato in Dicionário Aberto based on Novo Diccionário da Língua Portuguesa de Cândido de Figueiredo, 1913

Spanish eedit

Etymology eedit

Frae Late Latin cattus (compare Catalan gat, French chat, Italian gatto, Portuguese gato), o Afro-Asiatic oreegin. Mair at cat.

Pronunciation eedit

  • /ˈɡ

Noun eedit

Gato m (plural Gatos, feminine gata)

  1. cat, gib (male or unspecified gender)
  2. (Mexico) servant
  3. G-clamp, C-clamp

Synonyms eedit

Derived terms eedit

Welsh eedit

Pronunciation eedit

  • /ˈɡatɔ/

Etymology 1 eedit

Alternative forms eedit

Verb eedit


  1. (literary)
  2. REDIRECTTemplate:Wt/sco/inflection of

Mutation eedit

Welsh mutation
radical saft nasal aspirate
Gato Ato Ngato unchynged
Note: Some o thir forms mey be hypothetical. Nae ivery
possible mutatit form o ivery wird actually occurs.

Etymology 2 eedit

Verb eedit


  1. Soft mutation of cato.

Mutation eedit

Welsh mutation
radical saft nasal aspirate
cato gato nghato chato
Note: Some o thir forms mey be hypothetical. Nae ivery
possible mutatit form o ivery wird actually occurs.