Dens eedit

Noun eedit

Former c

  1. Script error: The function "form_of_t" does not exist.

Verb eedit


  1. Script error: The function "form_of_t" does not exist.

Verb eedit

former or formér

  1. Imperative o formere.

French eedit

Etymology eedit

Laitin formō (I form)

Pronunciation eedit

Verb eedit


  1. tae form (generic sense)
  2. tae shape (tae mak intae a certain shape)
  3. tae train; tae eddicate

Conjugation eedit

Related terms eedit

Freemit airtins eedit

Inglis eedit

Alternative forms eedit

Pronunciation eedit

Etymology 1 eedit

Frae Middle Inglis


, comparative o

, frae Old English

. Parallel tae prior (via Latin), as comparative form frae same Proto-Indo-European root. Relatit tae first an fore (thence before), frae Proto-Germanic.

Adjective eedit

Former (comparative maist Former, superlative maist Former)

  1. umwhile
Synonyms eedit
Antonyms eedit

Etymology 2 eedit

  This Template:Wt/sco/pagetype lacks etymological information. If ye are familiar wi the origin o this term, please add it tae the page as describit here.

Noun eedit

Former (plural Formers)

  1. umwhile
Derived terms eedit

Statistics eedit

Anagrams eedit

Laitin eedit

Verb eedit

  1. REDIRECTTemplate:Wt/sco/la-verb-form
  1. REDIRECTTemplate:Wt/sco/inflection of

Norse Bokmål eedit

Noun eedit

Former m, f

  1. REDIRECTTemplate:Wt/sco/inflection of

Norse Nynorsk eedit

Noun eedit

Former f

  1. REDIRECTTemplate:Wt/sco/inflection of

Swadis eedit

Noun eedit


  1. indefinite plural o form